Fri. Apr 26th, 2024

As OFWs we could say that we have the best of both worlds. What do I mean without sounding like Hannah Montana? It just means that we can experience various cultures and way of life that we could apply it in our own lives for the better. Living overseas for years, you would notice some of the habits by the locals and other expatriates. Consciously or not, we begin to pick up on these tendencies. Hopefully we are more wais to just emulate the positive traits. 

It is easy for us OFWs to lose track of what’s important because we are busy making a living. But making a list of our personal goals would help us stay on track into giving time for ourselves and working towards accomplishing something. If you don’t have any idea on some personal goals you wish to achieve, below is just a list to get you started. Join the 100 goals club now. 

Spiritual Goals

  • Finish reading your belief’s holy book from cover to cover.
  • Read motivational and inspirational passages.
  • Pray. Whenever. Whatever, Wherever. Think of praying as if having a friend who would always listen to you, no matter what it is that you want to pray for.
  • Meditate. Rid your mind and your heart of any ill thoughts and feelings. 
  • Make it a habit to go to church/mosque weekly. You need this. You need to be with people who share the same belief as you as they would help you keep your faith strong. 
  • Tithe. Give back 10 percent of your blessings.
  • Make a gratitude list.
  • Go on a retreat.
  • Be compassionate. 
  • Go on a pilgrimage.

Fitness Goals

  • Reach the weight ideal to your height.
  • Ditch the junk foods and the carbonated drinks.
  • Go for a day, a week or even a month without sugar and salt.
  • Stretch for 20 minutes daily.
  • Don’t sit for 8 hours straight, walk around for a few minutes every hour. If your work involves you staring at a computer screen, try to rest your eyes every hour as well by closing them for several minutes or by looking outside a window.
  • If possible, take the stairs instead of the lift or the escalator. Need to buy something? Walk to the store if its near instead of driving or riding the bus.
  • Stay outdoors during the weekend and get some sun. In Dubai, UAE, people are often treated with Vitamin D deficiency. It is understandable since the temperature is unbearable but if the weather permits, soak up some sun!
  • Love your liver and your lungs. Drink in moderation and chuck the ciggies.
  • Incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Snacky? Choose some healthier alternatives instead of always munching on chips.
  • Don’t forget to drink water. Chances are if you are feeling rundown, you are just dehydrated. 
  • Learn self-defense.
  • Minimize screen time. 
  • Detox.
  • Have regular checkups.

Creative Goals

  • Never stop creating something. Feed your soul. If you are not lucky enough to do what you want to do for a living, at least try to do it in when you have free time.
  • Don’t let the daily grind snuff out your imagination. 
  • Feel like you don’t have any new clothes to wear? Upcycle. There are tons of DIYs and tutorials on how you could turn a men’s long sleeves into a cute dress. At least you’d be sure that the clothes you are wearing are unique and one of a kind. Think of various merchandise you could create from an old sweater. A scarf, mittens, gloves… your imagination is the most vital element. 
  • Not all could paint or write but that doesn’t make you any less of an artist. If you don’t have any medium that you are good at, make your own channel. 
  • Take a class for photography, pottery, salsa dance, or any creative pursuit you want. 
  • Paint a picture or take a photo you would be proud to display on your home.
  • Learn to play an instrument.
  • Sing, dance or play an instrument you have learned in front of other people.
  • Write on a journal for the whole year.

Social and Family Goals

  • Donate to a charity. It could be money, time or clothes, linen or other belongings that you don’t need anymore.
  • Reach out to friends or relatives that you have not talked to for a while.
  • Participate in community activities. Get to know your neighbors. You might need their help one day.
  • Despite what we call them, social media discourages personal and physical contact. Some people think that messaging someone via social media platforms would suffice. But nothing beats meeting up in person and spending an afternoon over a cup of coffee just catching up. 
  • Make new friends with people who share the same interest as you.
  • Volunteer.
  • Donate blood.
  • Be a mentor. Tutor someone.
  • Travel with family or friends and go on a holiday.
  • Help build schools, hospitals, recreation centers on depraved areas. 
  • As OFWs, make it a point to fly back home during special occasions. 
  • Treat a family or friend to an expensive dinner on their birthday.
  • Surprise your partner with a romantic weekend getaway.
  • Volunteer to be a godparent.
  • Tell one family/relative/friend a day you love them. 

Career Goals

  • Work towards a promotion.
  • Learn a new skill.
  • Be an entrepreneur and start your own business.
  • Be a consultant.
  • Work towards being invited as a motivational speaker.
  • Work towards having people work FOR you.

Knowledge Goals

  • Learn a new language.
  • Read one book every month.
  • Pursue a bachelor’s degree and or post graduate.
  • Become a professional on something. Earn a certificate for it.
  • Learn a significant skill like crocheting, sewing or changing a flat tire.
  • Read and finish a self-help book. Apply what you have learned.
  • Watch documentaries.
  • Listen to TED talks.
  • Attend conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Know how to start a fire without the use of a match or a lighter.
  • Memorize a poem and be able to recite it from the heart.
  • Learn a new word every day. Know how to use it in a sentence.
  • Learn how to cook a dish from another country.

Financial Goals

  • Be debt free and be financially dependent.
  • Create and stick to a financial plan.
  • Have a source or sources of recurring passive income.
  • Have a 3 months’ worth of salary as an emergency fund. This is essential for us OFWs. If possible, start with this.
  • Have a retirement fund to retire comfortably and early.
  • Be a homeowner and car owner.
  • Generate income from various sources.
  • Learn to control your spending habits.
  • Buy your own vacation house.
  • Excellent credit score.
  • Develop a product you could sell.
  • Write a will.

Experience Goals

  • Take a selfie with a celebrity.
  • Get a tattoo or a temporary one.
  • Call a radio station talk on air.
  • Join a contest and hopefully win something.
  • Adopt a pet.
  • Host a party.
  • Camp and sleep under the stars.
  • Start a home garden and eat what you have grown.
  • Hike.
  • Stand under a waterfall.
  • Ride a hot air balloon.
  • Declutter. Clean your purse. Clean your closet. Clean your inbox. Clean your friends’ list. 
  • Do one thing that scares you.
  • Watch a sunrise and sunset alone or with someone you love. 
  • See a shooting star.
  • Skinny dip.
  • See your favorite singer or band perform live.
  • Visit at least one continent.
  • Live in another country. (We OFWs have done this!)
  • Build your own website.
  • Be an extra in a film, TV series or music videos.

Do you have any goals you want to share with the group? Comment below! Happy ticking!

An Overseas Filipino Worker since 2008, Yvette is back in the Middle East after a brief stint in a first world country in South East Asia. She is a binge watcher and is part of numerous fandoms. She writes to keep her sanity (read her rantings on Wattpad @yvette_dc) and is happiest when she's in a bookstore. If given the resources, she would see the world.

By Yvette

An Overseas Filipino Worker since 2008, Yvette is back in the Middle East after a brief stint in a first world country in South East Asia. She is a binge watcher and is part of numerous fandoms. She writes to keep her sanity (read her rantings on Wattpad @yvette_dc) and is happiest when she's in a bookstore. If given the resources, she would see the world.

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